You can prepare this mail by sorting the data into a postcode numbered sort and stacking the mail on a pallet or in a box in the postcode order. The minimum
requirement would be for an ascending/descending postcode order sequence.
any piece that has
a length of less than or equal to 245mm a width of less than or equal to 165mm
a thickness of less than or equal to 5mm a weight less than or equal to 100grms
any piece that has
a length of greater than 245mm and less than or equal to 381mm
a thickness of less than or equal to 20mm
a width of greater than 165mm and less than or equal to 305mm
a weight less than or equal to 500gms
exceeds any of the four limits of LARGE/FLAT
is a book of pamphlet with a weight less than or equal to 5000grms
has a weight of less than or equal to 2000grms
Any undeliverable mail is sorted daily and delivered back to you.